DAY 1 (23 March 2021)
Recent advances in translational genomics of NPC
Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yap Lee Fah
0900 – 0910
0910 – 0940
0940 – 1010
1010 – 1040
1040 – 1110
1110 – 1130
Welcoming remarks by President of NPCSM
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yap Lee Fah (Universiti Malaya)
Translational genomics of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Prof. Dr. Lo Kwok-Wai (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Linking ribosomal proteins to nasopharyngeal carcinoma: Implications for diagnosis, prognosis and targeted drug therapy
Prof. Dr. Edmund Sim Ui-Hang (UNIMAS)
Every cancer tells a story if you have the tools to read it
Dr Ashley Lim & Dr Preston Teng, PerkinElmer Inc.
The interplay between EBV, tumour cells, and the microenvironment in NPC
Prof. Dr Zeng Mu-Sheng (Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center)
Kahoot Quiz
DAY 2 (24 March 2021)
Current issues and updates on clinical management and treatment of NPC
Moderator: Dr. Alan Khoo Soo Beng
0900 – 0930
0930 – 1000
1000 – 1030
1030 – 1100
1100 – 1120
NPC stage 3, 4 current issues
Clin. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Joseph Wee Tien Seng (National Cancer Centre Singapore)
Clinical experience in endoscopic endonasal transpterygoid nasopharyngectomy in NPC
Prof. Dr. Tang Ing Ping (UNIMAS; Sarawak General Hospital)
Automated imaging solutions to advance cancer research discovery
Dr Penny Tavormina, Molecular Devices (by Interscience Sdn Bhd.)
EBNA1-guided imaging and therapy for EBV-associated cancers
Prof. Dr. Gary Wong Ka-Leung (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Kahoot Quiz
DAY 3 (25 March 2021)
EBV biology & infection
Moderator: Dr. Eddie Lim Yat Yuen
0900 – 0930
0930 – 1000
1000 – 1030
1030 – 1100
1100 – 1120
1120 – 1130
1130 - 1210
Epstein-Barr virus tegument proteins BPLF1 and BGLF2 are viral antagonists of interferon production and signaling
Prof. Dr. Jin Dong-Yan (The University of Hong Kong)
Elucidating Epstein-Barr virus molecular pathogenesis in the nasopharynx by 3-D air-liquid interface culture models and single cell RNA-sequencing
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kathy H.Y. Shair (University of Pittsburgh)
The RNAscope® in situ hybridization technology as a powerful tool to establish the etiology of pathogenic viruses in tumour samples
Dr Amrita Roy, Bio-techne (by Biomed-global)
Impacts of strain variation on EBV virology
Asst. Prof. Dr. Tsai Ming-Han (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
Kahoot Quiz
Closing speech by Chairperson
Dr. Eddie Lim Yat Yuen (Universiti Malaya)